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a blind man can’t judge colours
盲人不能判断颜色  detail>>
blind men can judge no colours
人无所求最享福 因他不为失望苦  detail>>
blind man
1.瞎子,盲人。 2.(邮局中的)辨字员。   detail>>
the blind man
瞎子  detail>>
the blind-man
慧眼丹心  detail>>
far as i can judge judgement
依我的判断  detail>>
so far as i can judge
据我判断, 我认为  detail>>
lead the blind man by the hand
牵着盲人的手  detail>>
the blind man and the whelp
盲人和小兽  detail>>
a man can die but once
不耻下问才能有学问 轻诺者易忘  detail>>
can’t hellovin’ dat man
情不自禁地爱着那个人  detail>>
i can t be your man
相爱已无  detail>>
a blind man is sometimes guided by a dog
盲人有时靠狗引路  detail>>
a man can do no more than he can
凡事都应量力而行 凡事应量力而行 人生只有一次死  detail>>
cause i know how lust can blind
因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽 因为我知道贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽  detail>>
i can see clearly, my love is not blind
我能够清楚的知道我的爱不是盲目的 我清楚地看到你的爱已不再像从前一般盲目  detail>>
i hope my love can blind you
我希望我的爱可以让你盲目  detail>>
too much can make me blind
太多事教我盲目  detail>>